Berceurs du temps
Presentation / Team / Support and partners / Contact


Ilya Krouglikov
Artistic director and general manager, co-founder of the company, Ilya wears many hats, including those of ideator, coordinator, mediator and versatile administrator, to ardently guide our numerous projects.

Cara Roy
Project manager and cultural mediator, Cara is enthusiastically involved in our intergenerational adventures, including Bercer le temps/Lulling Time, Mamie Remix and A Breath of Air.

Madeleine Guastavino
Communications manager and cultural mediator, Madeleine prepares our mail, paints and lends an attentive ear to the voices of Bercer le temps/Lulling Time, Little Wisdoms and Lullabies in the Cloud.

Gabrielle Bouin
Project coordinator, Gabrielle maintains essential links between partners, participants and Mamie Remix and Lullabies in the Cloud teams.

Valentine Desmorat
International distribution manager, Valentine thinks big when it comes to preparing Bercer le temps/Lulling Time‘s travels around the world.

Hélène Messier
Local distribution manager, Hélène carefully plans the outings of Bercer le temps/Lulling Time in Québec, Ontario, New-Brunswick and elsewhere in Canada.

Kerwin Barrington
Cultural mediator, Kerwin accompanies with poetry Bercer le temps/Lulling Time, A Breath of Air and Mamie Remix.

Marijoe Foucher
Cultural mediator, Marijoe accompanies with sensibility Bercer le temps/Lulling Time and A Breath of Air.

Mathieu Gagnon-Lauzon
Cultural mediator, Mathieu accompanies with zest and philosphy the outings of Bercer le temps/Lulling Time.

Marie-Reine Corvellec
Keeper of the singing chairs, Marie-Reine accompanies with dedication Bercer le temps/Lulling Time since its first summers.

Claire Perryman-Holt
Insightful ear, Claire knows a thousand and one lullabies and does sound editing for Bercer le temps/Lulling Time.

Nathan Giroux
Sound designer, Nathan lends his music-trained fingers and ears to Little Wisdoms and to the sound editing for Bercer le temps/Lulling Time.

Chloé Cardamone
Project manager, Chloé prepares the ground for the Parcours berçant du P’tit Beaubien.
Wallis Li
Intern with McGill’s SIS practicum, Wallis contributes to the development of an effective prototype for Lullabies in the Cloud.
Recurring collaborators
Our team is also fortunate to count on the support of many artists accomplices for occasional projects :
Sylvi Belleau (LW), Matéo Chauchat (BA), Annabelle Chouinard (BA, LT), Sarah Dell’Ava (LT, BA), Charles-Phillipe Dyachkov (MR), François Marceau (MR), Olivier Girouard (LT, LW), Clara Guastavino (LT), Jamal Jackson (MR), Ayuka Kawamoto-Gariépy (BA, MR), Jam Khalil (MR), Val Michailov (BT, MR), Marie Mougeolle (BA, LT), Léa Noblet Di Ziranaldi (BA), Saulo Olmedo Evans (LT), Meryem Saci (MR), Jenny Salgado (MR), Thomas Thivierge-Gauthier (MR).